Ultrasonic Skin Shovel

Is Ultrasonic Skin Shovel for You? Your Questions Answered

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The invasion of advanced beauty devices is revolutionising daily skincare. Now skincare is no more limited to application of serums or lotions on the face. This device that we are going to talk about today will turn homes to Derma Clinics. Your very own without stepping out for multiple facial or skin treatment sessions.

Let us introduce you to the best beauty device in India right now – Ultrasonic Skin Shovel.

This newest beauty device comes equipped with acoustic technology that generates high volume sonic vibrations on the face. Dermatologists and beauty experts across the globe are using it for facial cleansing for a long time.

The Plush Co. – House of Smart Skincare Devices is the brand that has introduced this game-changing supersonic beauty device in India. The wireless feature of the product makes it easy-to-use at home facial cleansing, toning and massage machine as must-have.

We all go out for regular deep cleansing skincare routines. How about having it in the comfort of your home whenever you want?

To do so, we recommend using The Plush Co.’s Ultrasonic Skin Shovel, the best in the business.

Why People Can’t Stop Talking About Ultrasonic Skin Shovel?

Ultrasonic skin spatula, shovel or scrubber is an electronic device that uses ultrasonic waves for deep cleansing of skin. This beauty device enhances collagen production, and “maximum absorption of your skincare products”.

The tool greatly removes blackheads, whiteheads, wrinkles and fine lines, clogged pores, and pimples, leaving you with a clearer, plumper, and smoother complexion.

Benefits of Ultrasonic Skin Shovel

Acne Solution - Ultrasonic SKIN SHOVEL

Ultrasonic skin shovel is extremely beneficial to your skin. Wondering how? Read here:

Cleanses Pores and HOW: Our skin begins to age with time, and its natural rejuvenation process slows down. The ultrasonic skin shovel helps prevent the build-up of oil, debris, and dead skin. The device clears your pores and boost collagen production, blood circulation, and the rate of cell reproduction. The unclogging of your skin pores also reduces the chances of frequent breakouts, blemishes, and ingrown hairs.

Reduces Wrinkles, WOW: Ultrasonic skin shovels remove the surface layer of dead skin, assisting the inflow of moisturizers tailor-made to increase skin elasticity and lessen fine lines. The removal of the surface layer of dead skin reduces the appearance of wrinkles on your skin. Not just that, the device reduces the melanin of your skin, and stimulates collagen production, making your skin firmer and toned.

Removes Blackheads, Whiteheads, Acne in a GO: Skin shovel features an ultrasonic deep cleansing mode that releases sonic vibrations to penetrate the skin up to 5mm deep. The combination of water pressure and vibration loosen and washes away impurities clogging your skin pores, effectively ridding your skin of blackheads and preventing future acne breakouts.

Improves Absorption & Efficacy of Skin Products, Yaaass: Skin serums or skincare products contain a variety of pricey and useful ingredients aimed at raising your overall skin health. People who don’t exfoliate adequately and still apply the skincare product will almost always never get the desired results.

The desired results are not achieved as the skincare product is only sitting at the top of their skin. Ultrasonic skin scrubber clears your pores and accelerates the absorption of nutrients from other skincare products.

Improves Skin Health for GOOD: Having and maintaining a clear skin goes hand in hand with efficient blood circulation. The ultrasonic skin scrubber stimulates blood circulation. It breaks up dark spots and improves your lymph metabolism, thus overall skin health.

Gentle on Sensitive Skin, Exactly!: Let’s us tell you a surprising fact! People with sensitive skin are the majority of customers for ultrasonic skin shovels. The sonic scrubber will outdo the other microdermabrasion tools and skin-cleaning brushes.

The easy-to-handle ultrasonic skin shovels give you complete control of the angle, direction, and pressure to be applied for face cleansing and exfoliation. The use of a hydrating toner or water when using the skin spatula ensures cleaner skin after a skin shovel treatment.

Promotes Hygienic Skincare: Unlike other beauty devices, ultrasonic skin shovels do not feature brushes and discs or ‘silicone bristles’. It does not come with any dead skin and bacterial accumulation techniques, which is GREAT. The sonic head of the ultrasonic skin shovel, however, requires thorough cleaning with an alcohol wipe after every use.

How Does Ultrasonic Skin Shovel Work?

Our skins outer most layer consists of dead skin cells which provide a barrier against sun damage, bacteria, and so on. The dead skin cells layer collects a lot of dirt, debris, oil, and other impurities that aren’t good for your skin.

The ultrasonic skin shovel makes use of ultrasound technology to gently exfoliate your skin, ridding it of dead skin cells and impurities. The exfoliation is made possible by the powerful ultrasonic pulses in the spatula which produces up to 28,000 vibrations per second.

As the ultrasonic face spatula is moved along the skin, the pulses are combined with water to gently and effectively penetrate your skin. The vibrations and water get deep into your skin pores, loosening and removing debris, dirt, blackheads, dead skin cells, and oil, leaving you with a clean, smooth, and radiant face.

Ultrasonic skin scrubbers come with two modes, the patting mode, which is used on extra sensitive skin. The regular mode allows for customization of the spatulas pulses. Once the dead skin cells and other debris have been exfoliated, the flat side of the spatula is used to massage other skincare products into the skin gently.

Frequently Asked Questions on Ultrasonic Skin Shovel

Do Ultrasonic Skin Shovel Really Work?

Ultrasonic scrubbers are easy to use, painless, and provide gentle, yet effective exfoliation. They also enhance the effectiveness of skincare products applied afterward.

How Often Can I Use an Ultrasonic Scrubber?

The ultrasonic skin scrubber is an exfoliation tool, so it shouldn’t be used every day.

It is advised to use it 2 to 3 times a week if you have non-sensitive skin. For people with sensitive skin, it shouldn’t be used more than and once or twice a week.

Is Ultrasonic Skin Scrubber Safe?

YES! The ultrasonic skin shovel is entirely safe for use as its sonic head is made up of food-grade steal and uses ultrasonic sound waves for cleansing.

A clear, soft, and radiant skin now doesn’t require frequent visits to derma clinics. Giving you the power, the ultrasonic skin shovel gives smooth, clean, and glowing skin in just a few minutes. It offers a lot of benefits to maintain good skin health, making it a must-have.